Without Shape Without Form Gallery
Our gallery at home opens on the first Sunday of every month.
Next opening:
Sunday 6 April 2025
16:00 — 18:00
221 Bath Road, Slough, SL1 4AA
Everyone is welcome. Free entry.
Previously On
Journey of the Mind, London
Journey of the Mind combines Sikh practice with new forms of storytelling to share a message of inclusivity, kindness and equality.
Wednesday 21 February - Sunday 3 March 2024
Times vary by day
4 Cromwell Place, London, SW7 2JE
Everyone is welcome. Free entry.
Unstruck Melody
Unstruck Melody is our collaboration with British-born Canadian Artist Nirbhai (Nep) Singh Sidhu, which brings together practices of spirituality and transferring knowledge into a newly conceived installation.
Saturday 16 September 2023 – Sunday 15 October 2023
10.00 – 17.30
V&A South Kensington, Prince Consort Gallery, Level 2
Design to Build Community Talk Panel
In conversation with Shawn Adam, Dominique Petit-Frère, Deep K Kailey and Nep Sidhu as they explore the intersection of design, communities and cultural institutions.
Sunday 17 September 2023
15:35 - 16:35
V&A South Kensington, Lydia and Manfred Gorvy Lecture Theatre
Simran Creative Lab
This session will help you discover Simran while making artwork. This creative workshop is designed to help you learn how we can quiet down our busy minds while approaching everyday tasks and challenges.
Monday 18 September 2023
14:00 - 15:30
V&A South Kensington, Creative Studio
Power of Connection
This workshop will help you discover, create and experience togetherness by developing awareness of thoughts and how the individual mind can impact collective thinking through visual instructions and generating sound.
Tuesday 19 September 2023
14:00 - 15:30
V&A South Kensington, Creative Studio
Deeper @ Friday Late, V&A
An immersive soundscape by Roba El-Essawy (aka MidnightRoba), Miles Spilsbury and Charanjot Kaur. A talk with artist Nirbhai (Nep) Singh Sidhu and curator Deep K Kailey of Unstruck Melody.
Friday, 22 September 2023
V&A South Kensington, The Raphael Cartoons, Room 48a
Simran Workshop, Chelsea Library
Join us for a Simran session where we will introduce you to a focused practice for the mind. Simran aims to bring lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, leading to a natural and effortless state of peace.
Tuesday 26 September 2023
18:00 - 19:00
Chelsea Library, Walker Meeting Room, King's Road, SW3 5EZ
Simran Workshop and Exhibition Walk, Evening
Join us for a Simran session, introducing a focused practice for the mind to attain lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, ultimately leading to a natural state of peace.
Friday 6 October 2023
Friday 13 October 2023
18:00 - 20:00
Kensington Central Library
12 Phillimore Walk, London, W8 7RX
Simran Workshop and Exhibition Walk, Afternoon
Join us for a Simran session, introducing a focused practice for the mind to attain lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, ultimately leading to a natural state of peace.
Tuesday 10 October 2023
15:00 - 17:00
Kensington Central Library
12 Phillimore Walk, London, W8 7RX
Simran Workshop, Brompton Library
Join us for a Simran session where we will introduce you to a focused practice for the mind. Simran aims to bring lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, leading to a natural and effortless state of peace.
Thursday 26 October 2023
18:00 - 19:00
Brompton Library, 210 Old Brompton Road, SW5 0BS
Power of Connection
This workshop will help you discover, create and experience togetherness by developing awareness of thoughts and how the individual mind can impact collective thinking through visual instructions and generating sound.
Saturday 4 November 2023
11:30 - 13:00
Maida Vale Library,
80 Sutherland Avenue, London, W9 2QT
Simran Creative Lab
This creative table-based workshop is designed to help you learn how we can still our busy minds while approaching everyday tasks and challenges. This session will help you discover Simran - a focused practice - while making some fascinating creative artworks of your own.
Saturday 4 November 2023
14:30 - 15:40
Maida Vale Library,
80 Sutherland Avenue, London, W9 2QT
Simran Workshop
Join us for a Simran session where we will introduce you to a focused practice for the mind. Simran aims to bring lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, leading to a natural and effortless state of peace.
Tuesday 7 November 2023
18:00 - 19:00
Kensington Central Library,
12 Philliore Walk, London, W8 7RX
Simran Creative Lab
This session will help you discover Simran while making artwork. This creative workshop is designed to help you learn how we can quiet down our busy minds while approaching everyday tasks and challenges.
Friday 10 November 2023
17:30 - 19:30
Paddington Library,
45 Porchester Road, London, W2 5DU
Power of Connection
This workshop will help you discover, create and experience togetherness by developing awareness of thoughts and how the individual mind can impact collective thinking through visual instructions and generating sound.
Saturday 11 November 2023
12:30 - 14:00
Queen's Park Library,
666 Harrow Road, London, W10 4NE
Simran Workshop, Brompton Library
Join us for a Simran session where we will introduce you to a focused practice for the mind. Simran aims to bring lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, leading to a natural and effortless state of peace.
Tuesday 14 November 2023
18:00 - 19:00
Brompton Library, Meeting Room
210 Old Brompton Road, SW5 0BS
Simran Workshop, North Kensington Library
Join us for a Simran session where we will introduce you to a focused practice for the mind. Simran aims to bring lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, leading to a natural and effortless state of peace.
Monday 20 November 2023
18:00 - 19:00
North Kensington Library
Simran Creative Lab
This session will help you discover Simran while making artwork. This creative workshop is designed to help you learn how we can quiet down our busy minds while approaching everyday tasks and challenges.
Thursday 23 November 2023
17:30 - 19:00
Queen's Park Library,
666 Harrow Road, London, W10 4NE
Power of Connection
This workshop will help you discover, create and experience togetherness by developing awareness of thoughts and how the individual mind can impact collective thinking through visual instructions and generating sound.
Saturday 25 November 2023
11:30 - 13:00
Victoria Library,
160 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9TR
Simran Creative Lab
This session will help you discover Simran while making artwork. This creative workshop is designed to help you learn how we can quiet down our busy minds while approaching everyday tasks and challenges.
Saturday 25 November 2023
14:30 - 15:40
Victoria Library,
160 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9TR
Simran Workshop, Victoria Library
Join us for a Simran session where we will introduce you to a focused practice for the mind. Simran aims to bring lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, leading to a natural and effortless state of peace.
Monday 27 November 2023
17:30 - 18:30
Victoria Library, Large Meeting Room
Simran Workshop, Chelsea Library
Join us for a Simran session where we will introduce you to a focused practice for the mind. Simran aims to bring lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, leading to a natural and effortless state of peace.
Tuesday 5 December 2023
18:00 - 19:00
Chelsea Library
Mind Strong 2024
In a fast-paced, ever-evolving world, where leaders shoulder the immense responsibility of guiding their teams through uncharted territories, finding the perfect equilibrium between professional success and personal well-being can often seem like an elusive dream.
At Mind Strong 2024, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey, a day dedicated to nurturing your mind. Inspire Yourself, Inspire Your Team
Monday 22 January 2024
9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Whitechapel Gallery -
Simran Workshop, Young Space
Join us for a Simran session where Deep K Kailey, the artistic director of WSWF, will introduce you to a focused practice for the mind. Simran aims to bring lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, leading to a natural and effortless state of peace.
Tuesday 27 February 2024
18:30 - 19:30
Young Space, 85-87 Southgate Road London N1 3JS
Spirituality and Design for Social Impact
Complementing the exhibition, ‘Journey of the Mind’, Without Shape Without Form artistic director, Deep K Kailey, and studio Rejane Dal Bello founder and creative director, Rejane Dal Bello, discuss how spirituality intersects with design for social impact.
The two speakers will share insights, experiences, and strategies for infusing spirituality into design practices to drive meaningful societal change.
Thursday 29 February 2024
18:30 - 19:30
4 Cromwell Place, London, SW7 2JE
Power of Connection, City Lions
WSWF will be hosting a unique workshop in partnership with City Lions, exploring new ways to create and collaborate by decluttering the mind through Simran, a focused practice for the mind.
This workshop reveals our hidden abilities to be creative with others and how we can still our busy minds before approaching everyday tasks and challenges.
Wednesday 28 February 2024
Simran, Young Space
Join us for a Simran session where Deep K Kailey, the artistic director of WSWF, will introduce you to a focused practice for the mind. Simran aims to bring lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, leading to a natural and effortless state of peace.
Tuesday 2 April 2024
18:30 - 19:30
Young Space, 85-87 Southgate Road London N1 3JS
Deeper at Mother-London
Follow the rhythm to set inward travel in motion.
Musician, Miles Spilsbury will play in response to Simran by Charanjot Kaur - activating an immersive soundscape that evokes a state of peace and clarity.
Sit back and enjoy or participate.
Thursday 25 April 2024
Mother-London, 10 Redchurch Street, London, E2 7DD
Everyone is welcome. Free entry.
Simran Creative Lab
This creative workshop is designed to help you learn how we can still our busy minds while approaching everyday tasks and challenges. This session will help you discover Simran - a focused practice - while making some fascinating creative artworks of your own. Come and enjoy learning new ways to find focus in a busy world and have fun making some creative works with us in a group setting.
Sunday 5 May 2024
11.00 - 12.10
Without Shape Without Form
221 Bath Road Slough SL1 4BA
Simran at Young Space
Join us for a Simran session where Deep K Kailey, the artistic director of WSWF, will introduce you to a focused practice for the mind. Simran aims to bring lasting clarity about our true selves and reality, leading to a natural and effortless state of peace.
Tuesday 14 May 2024
18:30 - 19:45
Young Space, 85-87 Southgate Road London N1 3JS
Everyone is welcome. Free entry.
Art of Balance
Join us for a talk facilitated by Deep K Kailey, as she unlocks the art of balance in a world filled with stress, personal and societal expectations, and the relentless pursuit of success.
Monday 22 July 2024
10.00 - 11.30
This talk will take place on Zoom.
Soho Farmhouse
In collaboration with Soho Farmhouse, WSWF will be hosting an exclusive one-day experience for Soho members. The day will feature the insightful 'Art of Balance' talk and empowering Creative Mind workshops, all leading up to WSWF's much-loved immersive sound performance, Deeper.
Tuesday 13 August 2024
11.00 - 20.00
Soho Farmhouse, Oxfordshire
For Soho House Members
Art of Simran at The Laundromat Project
In New York City, join us for an exploration of a deeper understanding of creativity, collaboration and the power of a quiet mind.
We look forward to hosting our Creative Mind and Simran Workshops with The Laundromat Project, a community-focused arts organisation dedicated to empowering artists and neighbours to make a positive impact in their communities.
Tuesday 10 September 2024
18:00 - 20:00
The Laundromat Project, Brooklyn, New York
Everyone is welcome. Free entry.
Art of Balance at FCA, London
At the FCA, Mandeep Kaur Lall, Global Commercial HR Director for Lotus and People Director & PMO at Without Shape Without Form presents the Art of Balance.
This talk offers valuable insights and practical tools for nurturing mental well-being in a world burdened by personal and societal pressures, as well as the relentless drive for success.
Wednesday 18 September 2024
12:00 - 14:00
FCA, London
For FCA employees
Unlock the Mind
WSWF will be hosting an interactive workshop, talk and film for the Metropolitan Police, helping those in service find clarity and resilience by freeing the mind of stress, anxiety or trauma faced in their commitment to external justice.
Wednesday 30 October 2024
New Scotland Yard
Art of Balance
In today’s fast-paced world, stress, societal expectations and the relentless pursuit of success can leave us feeling unbalanced and overwhelmed.
This talk reveals the journey to enhanced productivity, well-being and long-term successWednesday 8 January 2025
11.00 — 12.30
10 Upper Bank Street, London, E14 5GW
Exhibition Launch
The grand opening of our Exhibition in Nottingham
Friday 27 January 2023
18:00 - 21:00
New Art Exchange
Exhibition Tours
A guided tour of an exhibition of self-discovery.
Every Friday & Saturday from
3 February - 21 April 2023
11:00 - 12:00
New Art Exchange
Young Adult Simran Workshop
We invite you to join us for a special workshop for young adults on learning how to do Simran - a focused practice for the mind.
Every Wednesday from
8 February - 19 April 2023
18:00 - 19:00
New Art Exchange
Power of Connection
Discover, create and experience togetherness in this fun workshop
Friday 3 February & Friday 10 March 2023
14:00 - 16:00
New Art Exchange
Community Simran Workshop
We invite you to join us for a special workshop for the whole community, on learning how to do Simran - a focused practice for the mind.
Every Friday from
10 February - 21 April 2023
15:00 - 16:00
New Art Exchange
Simran Creative Lab
Experience calmness in this engaging and creative Simran workshop
Friday 10 February 2023
14:00 - 16:00
New Art Exchange
Nottingham Minds Football Tournament
A youth-focused football initiative. Empowering, seeing and celebrating diverse young people from all over Nottingham.
Friday 17 February 2023
Forest Recreation Ground, Forest Sports Zone
Discover The Mind
Fun filled creative activities for children to discover the positive aspects of the mind.
17 February & 31 March 2023
New Art Exchange
Guided Tour & Simran
Guided tour of Journey of the Mind by the exhibition team and an opportunity to learn Simran - a focused practice for the mind.
Friday 24 February 2023
14:00 - 16:00
New Art Exchange
Once Upon A Mind
A tailored afternoon for seniors, to be enjoyed with friends and family. This experience starts with a guided tour (in Punjabi) of the Journey of the Mind exhibition
Friday 3 March 2023
14:00 - 16:00
New Art Exchange
Simran: The Immersive Experience
An immersive and musical experience. Sit back, relax and participate in Simran - a focused practice for the mind.
Saturday 18 March 2023
14:00 - 15:00
New Art Exchange
Art of Expression Leicester
Join us for an insightful panel discussion on the relationship between mental wellness, spirituality, creative expression.
Tuesday 4 April 2023
16:00 - 20:30
Attenborough Arts Centre
Simran Creative Lab Sheffield
Discover, create and experience togetherness in this fun workshop
Saturday 8 April 2023
11:00 - 12:30
Millennium Gallery Sheffield
Power of Connection Sheffield
Discover, create and experience togetherness in this fun workshop
Saturday 8 April 2023
14:00 - 15:30
Millennium Gallery Sheffield
Discover Vaisakhi
An afternoon of activities for children and adults alike, celebrating, exploring, and discovering the significance of Vaisakhi. How can this positively impact us today?
Friday 14 April 2023
13:00 - 15:00
New Art Exchange
An engaging poetic, musical and theatrical performance telling the story of Vaisakhi. A story about identity, courage and truth. All welcome.
Saturday 15 April 2023
12:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 15:00
New Art Exchange
A unique performance by Gnarly x Nikita Gill which will feature an exclusive message that has stood the test of time to be ever relevant today about the timeless journey of the mind.
Saturday 19 November 2022
Simran Workshop
We invite you to join us for a special workshop on learning how to do Simran - a focused practice for the mind.
Every Thursday 10, 17, 24 November & 1, 4 December
Every Sunday 13, 20, 27 November
Arnolfini - Reading room
A durational sound performance exploring contemplation of the internal space by Jason Singh in collaboration with Liz Hanks and Ranjana Ghatak.
Saturday 12 November 2022
Discover The Mind
Fun filled creative activities for children to discover the positive aspects of the mind.
Sunday 20 November 2022
12:00 - 17:00
Arnolfini - Reading room
Faith vs Culture
This afternoon will invite South Asians to openly discuss cultural topics often considered taboo, and how faith can significantly challenge such longstanding and often limiting mechanisms of cultural control.
Saturday 26 November 2022
Exhibition Tours
A guided tour of an exhibition of self-discovery.
Tuesday 8, 15, 22, 29 November &
Sunday13, 20, 27 November
Power of Connection
Discover, create and experience togetherness in this fun workshop
Saturday 3 December 2022
Arnolfini - Reading room
Simran Creative Lab
Experience calmness in this engaging and creative Simran workshop
Saturday 3 December 2022
Arnolfini - Reading room
Guided Exhibition Tours
A guided tour of an exhibition of self-discovery.
Thursday 6 October 2022 to Sunday 23 October
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Simran Creative Lab
Experience calmness in this engaging and creative Simran workshop
Saturday 1 October & Sunday 2 October 2022
V&A Dundee
Power Of Connection
Discover, create and experience togetherness in this fun workshop
Saturday 1 October & Sunday 2 October 2022
V&A Dundee
The Art Of Thinking Clearly
Understand the power of the mind through the power of creativity
Saturday 1 October at 14:00
V&A Dundee
Simran Creative Lab
Experience calmness in this engaging and creative Simran workshop
Tuesday 4 October & Wednesday 5 October 2022
Tramway Glasgow
Power of Connection
Discover, create and experience togetherness in this fun workshop
Tuesday 4 October & Wednesday 5 October 2022
Tramway Glasgow
Simran Creative Lab
Experience calmness in this engaging and creative Simran workshop.
Tuesday 11 October 2022 at 14:30
Collective Edinburgh
Glasgow Minds Football Tournament
Raising awareness about mental health through the power of the game.
Thursday 13 October 2022
Glasgow Minds
A portrait series celebrating young people from all over Glasgow.
Saturday 15 October & Sunday 16 October 2022
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Discover the Mind
Fun filled creative activities for children to discover the positive aspects of the mind.
Monday 17 October to Friday 21 October 2022
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Simran Workshops
We invite you to join us for a special workshop on learning how to do Simran - a focused practice for the mind.
Thursday 20 October & Friday 21 October
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Bandi Chorr
A celebration of compassion through creativity.
Saturday 22 October 2022
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Simran Workshop
We invite you to join us for a special workshop on learning how to do Simran - a focused practice for the mind.
Every Saturday in January to June 2022
10.00 to 11.00 am
MAC (Midlands Art Centre)
Free to attend - reserve your place now
Without Shape Without Form
Our gallery at home opens on the last Sunday of every month. Everyone is welcome. Free entry and accessible to all.
28 November 2021
15.00 - 17.00
221 Bath Road, Slough, SL1 4BA
Free to attend - no booking required
Simran Workshop
We invite you to join us for a special workshop on learning how to do Simran - a focused practice for the mind.
Friday 3 December 2021
12.00 to 13.00
Library of Birmingham
Free to attend - reserve your place now
The Last Stand
The UK’s first women's street football tournament, raising awareness about mental health. With street food, live entertainment and special guests.
Sunday 28 November 2021
Indoor Academy Villa Park,
Free to attend - book now
Discover the Mind
A fun-filled creative event for families and children aged 6-11 comprising art activities relating to love, vision, peace, equality and selfless service.
Sunday 28 November 2021
13.00 to 16.00
Foyle Studio, MAC, Birmingham
Free to attend - booking is required
Journey of the Mind
Journey of the Mind combines Sikh tradition with new forms of storytelling to share a message of inclusivity, kindness and equality.
Thursday 18 November - Saturday 4 December 2021
Times vary by day
Library of Birmingham
Free to attend - no booking required
Once Upon a Mind
A theatrical and engaging reading event to inspire Seniors about Sikh History to invite them to explore the internal journey of their own mind.
Thursday 25 November 2021
14.30 to 16.30
Library of Birmingham
Free to attend - booking is required
Exhibition Tours
A guided tour and talk comparing artwork in the Journey of the Mind Exhibition and Dreamworld, relating this to mental health and spirituality.
Friday 19 November 2021
15.00 to 17.00
Ikon Gallery, Birmingham
Free to attend - sold out
The Inner Monologue
An interactive talk for exploring how true happiness can be obtained through controlling the forces that capture our minds.
Tuesday 23 November 2021
18.30 to 20.00
Hex Theatre, MAC, Birmingham
Free to attend - booking is required
Art of the Mind - A Panel Discussion
A talk with the artist and creative panel about the Journey of the Mind artwork and its symbolism/meaning with panellists Kanwar Singh, Deep Kailey and Navi Kaur.
Thursday 18 November 2021
17.30 to 18.30
Rep Theatre, Birmingham
Free to attend - booking is required
Simran Workshop
We invite you to join us for a special workshop on learning how to do Simran - a focused practice for the mind.
Saturday 11 December 2021
12.00 to 13.00
Library of Birmingham
Free to attend - reserve your place now
The Game of Life
An engaging university talk on how we can focus on achieving internal happiness, and reduce the external anxiety, stress and pressure that we put on our minds.
Wednesday 3 November 2021
18.30 to 19.30
Birmingham City University
Free to attend - booking is required