Animation Series
The Game Inside
The Game Inside describes the challenges the mind faces when being played by the thought-creating forces within, and how they can be eliminated by doing Simran (focused practice).
The five thought-creating forces occupy and distract the mind all day long. To fight these five: Sex. Anger. Greed. Attachment and Ego, a technique is needed. SIMRAN. This film explains the focused practice of Simran.
Birth of the Khalsa, Vaisakhi - Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji taught all Sikhs to be proud of their identity, and to never shirk from doing good deeds. To be brave and stand up for others and with determination to be victorious. Discover the importance of Vaisakhi, the birth of the Khalsa.
A Story of Compassion - Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji
The sixth Sikh guru, Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, stood up for the human rights of 52 imprisoned Indian Princes. Learn why Guru Ji acted with love and kindness and what it teaches us about our minds. Explore the importance of Bandi Chhor.