What are we here to do in this life? How are we meant to live? How do we find true peace? For anyone trying to find wisdom - true wisdom - I’m hoping these questions have come to your mind as they did mine.
As we grow, parents are responsible for instilling wisdom within us, followed by our extended family members and our teachers. Like every child, I naturally followed and became just like those around me. Observing how they acted, how they spoke and what their views were on life shaped my life.
I felt so far from being wise due to having learned things like not showering on Thursdays, not to eat meat on Sundays, not to leave the house after sneezing and not to drive a black car, otherwise I would have an accident. I feel ridiculous about this now and I feel sad knowing that I was taught to live my life in such superstitious ways. I always used to wonder why we were taught these things, but I did not have any source or reference to challenge why I thought they were wrong.
There was one key moment growing up, where two traumatic experiences left our whole family feeling vulnerable. My family tried to find peace by speaking to someone ‘spiritual’, known to help fix family problems. He advised us all to wear a ‘good luck’ necklace (how wonderful!). The elders in the family were delighted to hear this good news and encouraged us all to follow this advice. I remember being around 18 years old and thought that enough is enough. I remember telling everyone that this doesn’t sound right, but no-one listened. They told me I was too young and didn’t understand, so I lost that battle. I didn’t wear the necklace. In fact, I hid it by pretending that I lost it.
I don’t blame our older generation. They only shared things they learnt and wanted to share what they thought was best. Regardless of this, it was falsehood. The world convincingly talks on and on about wisdom, so many appear to be clever, but I have only found this to be in vanity and ego.
I’m not trying to say that I have become a wise person, but I certainly know the source and techniques to obtain wisdom. I now know that true wisdom comes to those who earn knowledge through spiritual practice. Using the right techniques of a focused practice on the Almighty and connecting to the Giver-of-All will lead us to true knowledge, true experiences and true judgement – all through the Truth. Being around those who have done this and have achieved wisdom can lead us to wisdom also. These teachings all come from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and I feel on top of the world knowing this!
Being a new mum, I have been given a huge responsibility to pass on what I have learned and nurture a new life. I’m responsible for equipping her with the best I can so she can deal with everything that life throws her way. I want upcoming generations to be fearless, confident, empowered, strong, open-minded and ultimately blissful as they follow the path to true wisdom.